Precare Instructions eyeliner/lip blushing
In order for fresh micropigmentation to heal properly and look sharp, one must follow the following Pre-Care instructions. Pre-Care instructions are designed to limit bleeding and skin sensitivities during the service. Excessive bleeding during the procedure will dilute the pigment color and lead to poor healed results. Pigment when mixed with blood will change the color result, appearing more ashy/cool/purple.
1. Do not work out 24 hours before the treatment. Heat expands the pores making it harder for your body to retain the pigment.
2. No alcohol, Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Naproxen, or Pepto-Bismol 24 hours before the treatment. They may cause thinning of the blood.
3. No caffeine the day of the treatment - It may make your client jittery. Although caffeine is not a blood thinner, it will increase blood pressure which can then cause more bleeding.
4. Avoid sun and tanning on the face at least 1 week prior to the procedure. We cannot work on compromised skin.
5. Avoid fish oil, prenatal vitamins, nutritional shakes, and “Hair-Skin-Nails” supplements – 2 days before. They can increase bleeding time or thin the blood.
6. Discontinue Retin-A, Chemical & Laser peels, Microdermabrasion, Alpha Hydroxy Acid (AHA), and any chemical exfoliants or “brightening” skincare at least 6 weeks prior to the procedure. (Once brows are healed, avoid use of these products near the eyebrows for prevention of premature fading.)
7. Botox and filler on the forehead, temple, and eye area should be done 3 weeks prior or 2 months after the procedure. Symmetry can be hard to balance with too recent of Botox.
8. No waxing, tinting, or threading 1 week prior to the procedure. The more natural hair you have the better!
9. PLEASE NOTE: One may be more sensitive during their menstrual cycle!
10. Clients who smoke cigarettes have delayed wound healing and accelerated skin aging.
Cigarette smoke contains carbon monoxide, which displaces the oxygen in your skin, and nicotine, which reduces blood flow, leaving skin dry and discolored. Cigarette smoking also depletes many nutrients, including vitamin C, which helps protect and repair skin damage.
Mikayla Rain:
Microblading Precare Instructions
In order for fresh micropigmentation to heal properly and look sharp, one must follow the following Pre-Care instructions. Pre-Care instructions are designed to limit bleeding and skin sensitivities during the service. Excessive bleeding during the procedure will dilute the pigment color and lead to poor healed results. Pigment when mixed with blood will change the color result, appearing more ashy/cool/purple.
1. Do not work out 24 hours before the w treatment. Heat expands the pores making it harder for your body to retain the pigment.
2. No alcohol, Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Naproxen, or Pepto-Bismol 24 hours before the treatment. They may cause thinning of the blood.
3. No caffeine the day of the treatment - It may make your client jittery. Although caffeine is not a blood thinner, it will increase blood pressure which can then cause more bleeding.
4. Avoid sun and tanning on the face at least 1 week prior to the procedure. We cannot work on compromised skin.
5. Avoid fish oil, prenatal vitamins, nutritional shakes, and “Hair-Skin-Nails” supplements – 24 hours before. They can increase bleeding time or thin the blood.
6. Discontinue Retin-A, Chemical & Laser peels, Microdermabrasion, Alpha Hydroxy Acid (AHA), and any chemical exfoliants or “brightening” skincare at least 6 weeks prior to procedure. (Once brows are healed,avoid use of these products near the eyebrows for prevention of premature fading.)
7. Botox and filler on the forehead, temple, and eye area should be done 3 weeks prior or 2 months after the procedure. Symmetry can be hard to balance with too recent of Botox.
8. No waxing, tinting, or threading 1 week prior to the procedure. The more natural hair you have the better!
9. PLEASE NOTE: One may be more sensitive during their menstrual cycle!
10. Clients who smoke cigarettes have delayed wound healing and accelerated skin aging.
Cigarette smoke contains carbon monoxide, which displaces the oxygen in your skin, and nicotine, which reduces blood flow, leaving skin dry and discolored. Cigarette smoking also depletes many nutrients, including vitamin C, which helps protect and repair skin damage.
Client Suitability
You may not be a good candidate for permanent makeup if you are:
Currently Pregnant Currently Breastfeeding Psoriasis Rosacea Eczema (on facial area) Severe Facial Acne Prone to Keloids Other Active Skin Disorders (Dermatitis, Uticaria, etc) HIV+/AIDS Hepatitis A/B/C Hemophilia Epilepsy Autoimmune Disease (dependent of type and medications, contact before booking) Ok with Microblading – Alopecia, Vitligo, Celiac, Hashimoto, Graves Not eligible – Lupus, Cronh’s, Rheuatoid Athritis, Von Willebrand’s, Sjogren’s Must not be taking any immuosuppressant medications, or blood thinners Other Restrictions & Prep Diabetes (requires doctor’s clearance) Chemotherapy (6 months after last treatment, requires doctor’s clearance) Accutane (must be off for 6 months prior to appt) Tetin-A/Rentiol (must be off 2 weeks prior to appt) Antibiotics (must not be on at time of appt) Previous permanent makeup, must be light enough to work over (contact prior to booking) No botox, chemical peels 3-4 weeks before or after appt 24 hours before: no alcohol, caffeine, fish oil, or blood thinner (asprin, ibuprofen) 7-10 days AFTER appt: no swimming, heavy sweating or exercising, or brow makeup.